Best practice for Internet cafes is not to use them for anything private... They are OK to check on movie schedules, maps or news, but anything which involves typing a password or access private data is really risky.
You might accept to take the risk of a malware-riddled machine which has nothing against you, personally, and just runs, say, a key logger, to harvest a lot of passwords. In that case, you could get away with using one-time passwords of some kind. There are many variants, but the whole idea is that the password, once used, is no longer valuable because it will not grant entry again.
That would still be betting on the attacker's lack of interest and/or competence. A more thorough attacker will actively recognize connections to Webmails (in particular Gmail) and automatically enact its nefarious acts right away, while you are logged in. Personally, I would not do it.