Internet Cafe Portsmouth [Cybercafe]

Internet Cafe Portsmouth

September 22, 2015
Restaurant, internet cafe
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Dominica is extremely fortunate to have not just reliable telcommunications infrastructure, but also one that has blossomed due to a liberalisation of a long-standing monopoly. Telecommunications Services are provided by Cable & Wireless and Marpin Telecommunications. Both provide telephone services and Internet access. Internet access ranges from dial-up to always-on DSL and cable modems and dedicated lines such as 256kb up to T1.

There are a number of public places to access the Internet.

In Roseau:
  • Cable &Wireless Surf & Phone (near Old Market)
  • Business Training Center (Great George St.) 448-0248
In Portsmouth:
  • Cyberland 445-4454
  • Alpha-2-Omega 445-3370
  • Building Service Centre 445-4303

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