Picture this: you arrive in a foreign city, the promise of adventure at your fingertips. You disembark from your train, bus, rickshaw, or glider and find a way to your hostel. You check-in, ditch your sweaty backpacks on your bunk, and then what?
If you’re like most backpackers/travelers these days, you’re already itching for an internet cafe to connect with your friends and family back home. Perhaps the urge arises from the need to share your latest travel stories. Or perhaps it’s a version of web-addiction. Whatever you want to call it, the urge must be quenched.
So you head out into the city. If you’re anywhere near a backpacker strip, you’ll probably stumble into an internet cafe before you know it. But if you’re outside the tourist trenches, it can be harder to locate internet access without a little help.
Here are four internet cafe directories to help you on your search.
Cybercafes – Listing thousands of cafes worldwide, this directory is quick and easy. Each listing provides hourly rates for access, number of terminals, link to the cafe’s website, and handy directions.
Net Cafe Guide – This directory lets you search by city, then reveals results based on area. Also lists hourly rates, contact info, description of the cafes and more.
Cybercafe Search Engine – Offering old-school charm (circa web design from pre 1998) this internet cafe search engine is beautiful in its simplicity. Massive listings are updated daily, which offer little more than the name, address, and website of each location.
Google Maps – Of course, how could I exclude the insatiable behemoth that is Google from the list? Simply by searching for “internet cafes” and the city in question will reveal a number of locations, indicated by those cute ‘wittle map pins.
So there you have it. Go forth upon the world with your newfound knowledge, and never let an internet cafe elude you ever again.