3. Re: Queen Victoria, Internet and Skype
I think you'll do better to bring your own computer if you want to Skype in port.
Sometimes you can find free public wifi. Sometimes you can use your own computer in an internet cafe.
Are you departing September 13? Ports of Palma de Mallorca, Yalta? The version of the voyage I see is Southampton return, so not sure if you're continuing.
In any case, looks like a lot of sea days. You will do better to consider yourself **unplugged** for the voyage duration, and regard any connections you make in port to be lucky chance.
I may sound harsh, but ports are for exploring, not internet.
If you run your own business, it's hard/impossible to unplug. If you have a demanding employer, my advice is to ask for an expense allowance for internet time, and explain you are dealing with ALMOST DIAL UP SPEEDS and many voids with NO CONNECTION at all.