Telephone & Internet
Unlike most of the Western world, Internet cafes are not so common in Oman and are found only in the big cities.

The capital city, Muscat, offers more Internet cafes than any other city in Oman. Here are some of the most popular Internet cafes in Oman:
NAME: Future Internet Services
CITY: Al-Khoudh - Muscat
ADDRESS: Future Technologies LLC P.O. Box 186 Ruwi 112
NAME: Spider Internet Cafe
CITY: Muscat
ADDRESS: Zahker Mall, Al - Khuwair
NAME: Nizwa Cyber Cafe (NCC)
CITY: Nizwa
ADDRESS: Al-Hinai Building City center
NAME: Cyberword
CITY: Muscat
ADDRESS: 116 Mina Al Fahal
Important information: The Authorities of Oman force Internet cafe owners to share their customers data on a weekly basis. It is a strictly enforced rule set by the Omani government for safety reasons. Be very careful with the information you share while using an Internet cafe in Oman.
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