One of the early drivers in the growth of the internet was the topic of dating and romance. This episode of Net Cafe looks at some early examples of sites devoted to love, in various forms. Sites reviewed include globalmatch.com; divaweb.com and its famous advice columnist Midori; Bianca's smut shack at bianca.com; divanet.com, a site offering sexy online shopping and style advice from Nina Rage; the CyberFetish UberMall, and urge2merge.com. This show also includes a look at several safe kid sites to make sure your children don't accidentally wander into some of these sites. Included are cyberpatrol.com, netnanny.com, ratedpg.com, and sheperd.net. Hosts are Jane Wither, Andrew deVries, and Stewart Cheifet. Shot on location at the CyberSmith internet cafe in Palo Alto, California. Originally broadcast in 1997.